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Tag: Medical Air Transport

Electric vertical take-off and landing could be the future of air ambulance transport but they are not without challenges. We take a comprehensive look.
It has been quite a while since the No Suprises Act was passed. Are air ambulance services now more affordable for the common man in the United States? We take a look.

Medical Air Transport is Evolving at a Brisk Pace

Medical air transport could witness a drastic transformation if the Urban Air Mobility challenge is successful. The intent behind the challenge is to bring greater mobility...

Hypoxia – A Condition that Medical Air Transport Personnel Should be Aware of

Literally translated, hypoxia means diminished availability of oxygen to the body, something that is quite common in medical air transport scenarios. However, a pre-existing...

Ensuring Medical Air Transport Coverage Beyond Health Insurance

Americans today seem to have a false sense of security thinking that everything related to their medical wellbeing is automatically covered by health insurance....

Guide to Handle Medical Air Transport Bills

While medical air transport is, no doubt, a life-saving necessity, the bills that the service generates can be quite shocking in most instances. The...

More Hypothermia Info for Medical Air Transport Paramedics

In the previous post, we talked about the causes and symptoms of hypothermia. But that’s not enough information to help medical air transport paramedics...

What You Need to Know about Hypothermia When Providing Medical Air Transport

When you’re working as a care provider for medical air transport, you come across different kinds of patients. Although you will most often encounter...

Medical Air Transport and Pediatric Treatment Errors: What You Need to Know

When you’re working in medical air transport, you would encounter all kinds of patients. There will be times you have to care for and...

Tips for Medical Air Transport Crews to Assess Pediatric Trauma Patients

When you’re working as an air ambulance paramedic or doctor, many of the cases you’ll be responding to will include trauma. In assessing trauma...

How to Reduce the Impact of Fatigue for Medical Air Transport Paramedics

You’ve just pulled a long shift and now have to respond to another call. The life of a medical air transport paramedic can be...

The Impact of Obesity on Medical Air Transport Crews

In an era where people are trying to promote self-love, you may notice a lot of people talking about how it’s unnecessary to lose...

Basic Airway Management Tips for Medical Air Transport Providers

Even the most experienced healthcare professionals can find airway management quite challenging. While it’s a fundamental skill for all EMS professionals, it’s an extremely...

What You Need to Know about Critical Care Medical Air Transport

Patients in critical condition require extensive care. This makes it crucial for providers of critical care medical air transport to maintain efficiency and compassion...

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