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Medical Flights Equipped to Handle COVID-19 Witness Demand Surge


Medical flights that are considered safe to carry patients infected by COVID-19 are seeing a huge bump in demand at the current time. The surge in demand started in about March and continues to hold strong. The COVID-19 infection numbers have seen a temporary remission but have been on a rise recently. Medical flights have been a great source for repatriation during these troubled times. The fact that the world is now slowly opening up despite the high number of infections is adding fuel to the existing demand.

Medical Flights Find it Easier to Cross Borders Now

Earlier when the COVID-19 had just hit the world, nations across the globe had closed their borders. This had posed a logistical challenge as the process to obtain special permission to enter some nations can be quite long-drawn and tedious. However, at the current time, most countries are opening their borders with some safety precautions being put in place. The world today realizes the fact that hiding from the virus is no solution, rather it is the will to fight it through adequate precautions that matter. This attitude has benefited the medical flights that conduct repatriations.

Many People are Still Stuck in Foreign Countries

COVID-ready medical flights are seeing that most of their flights are beyond their home countries. It is natural that in today’s highly connected world, many people live abroad and do so for years. For someone who has been outside for years together, it isn’t easy to leave everything and head back home. However, if one contracts the infection – especially if it is severe – the preference usually is to seek treatment close to the loved ones. Medical flights are the only recourse in situations like these. With the resurgence of infections in most European countries and part of the United States, the demand for medical flights is slated to go up further.

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