-4.5 C
New York


Air Ambulance – Pregnancy

Timely Air Ambulance transfer to such facilities while the patient(s) receives care from obstetrical/ neonatal specialists has been shown to be safe, cost-effective and beneficial.

What is the accreditation process for medical transport services?

Accreditation begins with an application form. The form indicates the service's intentions to complete the process. The service then receives a Program Information Form (PIF).

What is the typical shift worked (i.e. 8, 12, 24 hour shifts)?

Pilots are limited to 12 hour shifts and medical crews typically work either 12 or 24 hour shifts.

What are the different types of medical team configurations?

There are many but some of the most common are: Nurse/Nurse, Nurse/Paramedic, Nurse/Respiratory Therapist, Nurse/Physician, Paramedic/Paramedic.

Air Ambulance – Cardiac Care and “Heart Attacks”

The scarcity of cardiac intervention centers, particularly outside of urban areas, suggest a role, supported by studies to date, for HEMS in quickly transporting patients, even patients whose hearts have stopped and been restarted, from remote hospitals to these centers.

Air Ambulance – Cerebrovascular Accidents / Strokes and “Brain Attacks”

There is a window of time in which clotbusting treatment can result in patients suffering little to no long term damage and disability from these events.

Air Ambulance Safety by AMS

From 1972 through September, 2002, when HEMS safety research by Dr. Ira Blumen of the University of Chicago Aeromedical Network (UCAN) was completed, HEMS...

FAA Publishes New Air Ambulance Regulation

Making certificate holders with 10 or more helicopter air ambulances establish operations control centers is one facet of the proposal, which is intended to make helicopter air ambulance flights safer nationwide.

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