21.5 C
New York


Air ambulance services are a vital component of medical tourism, offering rapid, safe, and specialized transport for patients seeking care across borders, facilitating successful international medical journeys.
Overall, air ambulance services are a critical component of the healthcare infrastructure, providing rapid, specialized care and ensuring timely access to essential medical services.

Air Ambulance – Pregnancy

Timely Air Ambulance transfer to such facilities while the patient(s) receives care from obstetrical/ neonatal specialists has been shown to be safe, cost-effective and beneficial.

Air Ambulance – Cardiac Care and “Heart Attacks”

The scarcity of cardiac intervention centers, particularly outside of urban areas, suggest a role, supported by studies to date, for HEMS in quickly transporting patients, even patients whose hearts have stopped and been restarted, from remote hospitals to these centers.

Air Ambulance – Cerebrovascular Accidents / Strokes and “Brain Attacks”

There is a window of time in which clotbusting treatment can result in patients suffering little to no long term damage and disability from these events.

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