The Federal Aviation Administration had laid down its groundbreaking safety rules for choppers in February of 2014, popularly known as the HAA (helicopter air...
CAMTS accreditation is voluntary. However, several states and some governmental agencies have accepted or required CAMTS Accreditation for licensing, contracts or reimbursements.
Accreditation begins with an application form. The form indicates the service's intentions to complete the process. The service then receives a Program Information Form (PIF).
The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) is an independent non-profit corporation, comprised of representatives from twenty member organizations, each representing some component of air and ground medical transport.
The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), established in 1980, is an international association which serves providers of air and surface medical transport systems. The association, a voluntary non-profit organization, encourages and supports its members in maintaining a standard of performance reflecting high quality patient care and safe and efficient operations.