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Tag: Paramedics

Caring for Frostbite Patients: Tips for Air Ambulance Transport Paramedics

Frostbite isn’t common and you may never encounter patients suffering from the condition. But preparation is key and it’s crucial that you equip yourself...

The Biggest Challenges in Training to Become a Medical Flight Paramedic

After much consideration, you’ve decided to undergo education and training in order to become a medical flight paramedic. And you’d also know by now...

Why Higher Education could Make You a Better Air Ambulance Service Paramedic

An associate degree or a certificate with the relevant certification and training is usually enough for a person to qualify as an air ambulance...

What Medical Flight Paramedics should Know about Seizures and Respiratory Issues

As a medical flight paramedic, you will come across different situations and patients with various conditions. You might even come across patients undergoing a...

How to Reduce the Impact of Fatigue for Medical Air Transport Paramedics

You’ve just pulled a long shift and now have to respond to another call. The life of a medical air transport paramedic can be...

The Impact of Obesity on Medical Air Transport Crews

In an era where people are trying to promote self-love, you may notice a lot of people talking about how it’s unnecessary to lose...

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