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Questions that Define the Necessity of Air Ambulance Service


As the kin of the patient or a patient, you might feel that you need only the best care possible in the quickest possible time. However, if one is to keep the emotions and fears aside and decide purely on necessity, the answers to the questions listed below determine whether you need air ambulance service or not. Let’s take a peek.

Does the condition of the patient warrant that he or she spends only a minimum amount of time outside the environment of a medical facility?
If the answer to this question is as little time as possible, then the patient might need the air ambulance service.

Is a particular test or evaluation urgent or time-sensitive?
If the patient needs a test done urgently and it is not possible to get to the testing facility on time through ground transport, an air ambulance service might need to come into play.

Is the weather condition suitable for air ambulance service to be availed?
Suitable weather conditions are of paramount importance when it comes to an air ambulance service. The wrong weather can put the life of the patient and the crew members in jeopardy.

Is there adequate landing facility near the hospital that the patient is being transported to?
Without proper helipad or air port near the hospital that the patient is being flown to, availing air ambulance service would make no sense. The overall time advantage might be negated after landing if the distance to the hospital is huge.

Is the patient’s condition right for air ambulance service?
There are certain ailments that can exacerbate or turn into critical ones if the patient travels by air. The treating physician would be in the knowhow of this.

Is the air ambulance service equipped enough to address the ailment?
Air ambulance service providers may have several aircrafts with varying medical facilities onboard. The patient can be transported using the medical aircraft only if the facilities onboard meet his or her requirements.

Are qualified crew members available at the moment?
In rare situations, when the mishap is of huge proportions, adequately qualified crew members might not be available. In such situations, depending on the patient’s condition, it might be wise to wait until the crew members are available.

These are the type of questions that treating facilities and air ambulance service providers ask themselves before suggesting or even considering an air ambulance service for a patient. Knowing these parameters beforehand helps the patients and their loved ones to understand the logic behind the medical transportation decisions being taken.

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