BLS vehicles are required to have at a minimum an emergency medical technician (EMT) attending the patient and a driver meeting the requirements in Section...
Trauma Transport Protocols (TTP) describe the procedures used by the emergency medical services prehospital provider for dispatch of vehicles, assessment of the extent and severity of injuries of trauma patients and determination of the destination (facility) to which trauma alert patients are transported. TTP's are a legal document that should outline, as accurately as possible, the actual procedures followed by the emergency medical service provider.
Yes, when it is necessary for a permitted vehicle/aircraft to be out of service for routine maintenance or repairs, a substitute vehicle/aircraft meeting the...
The Effects of Altitude
Even in pressurized aircraft, the air medical environment presents unique stresses on our patients. These stresses include immobility, noise, motion, vibration,...
Cost depends on several factors, including distance and patient needs. Multiple payment options are available, including credit card, personal check (with credit card guarantee), insurance and third-party billing (with prior approval).
Seek an established company that owns and operates it own equipment and has a full-time dedicated staff. The company should be certified as an air ambulance service by the FAA and should have all related licenses and insurance
Making certificate holders with 10 or more helicopter air ambulances establish operations control centers is one facet of the proposal, which is intended to make helicopter air ambulance flights safer nationwide.