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Need for More Comprehensive Air Ambulance Coverage


Imagine this – you pay for a smartphone in full and then realize that you are only allowed to use certain features in it but not all. How would you feel about that? Would you have bought it had you know about this fact during the time of purchase? Now, take the case of air ambulance coverage provided by insurance companies. Don’t you deserve to know the kind of coverage that you get? Whether you would be monetarily covered in your neediest hour when your health demands urgent medical care? You need to be sure you will be taken to a well-equipped treating facility and that the expense of carrying you to that destination is covered by the insurance provider. Unfortunately, that is not the case today.

Not All Insurance Providers are the Same

There are several health insurance providers out there who cover the air ambulance charges at a fair rate but there are others who do not. On the other hand, it is not under the control of the air ambulance service providers to choose patients. They ask no questions; they simply respond to emergencies. When this act turns into a haggle for money, it becomes a problem. The result, often, is balance billing – the part of the bill that remains uncovered by the insurance provider. The balance bill, ultimately, becomes the responsibility of the patient to pay, despite having insurance coverage. The amount can be so huge sometimes that it can push a common man towards bankruptcy.

Patient Advocacy by Air Ambulance Service Providers

Most air ambulance service providers have a robust policy when it comes to patient advocacy. Such programs are mainly targeted towards helping patients course through the complexities of insurance. However, the question is, why should such programs be necessary. All that is needed is a fair rate at which insurance companies reimburse the air ambulance service providers. As the insurance companies and air ambulance companies sort this matter out, what ultimately comes out is something that we all need to keep an eye on.

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