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Medicare Medical Flight Coverage and Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage


We’ve already discussed situations where Medicare covers medical flight costs. It must be noted in this regard that the coverage is almost always given only when there is an emergency. What if there is a situation where you feel that you are entitled for medical flight coverage by Medicare but the company that provides medical flight services feels otherwise? This is the question we try and answer here.

Disagreement Pertaining to Medical Flight Need

If the medical flight company believes that your situation warrants its service, it will have no problem carrying you to the desired destination. However, if it feels that you do not need medical flight services, you might be asked to sign Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN). If you strongly believe that Medicare will cover the medical flight cost later, you can sign this piece of paper and get well on your way to the desired destination. The medical flight service provider would have no qualms about it. However, there are some aspects you need to keep in mind.

You Might Have to Pay for the Medical Flight in Advance

Signing the ABN also means that you would bear the cost of the medical flight if Medicare does not cover it. The air ambulance company may ask you to pay the costs in advance and ask you to recover it from Medicare later. It is necessary that the company asks you to sign this document as, otherwise, it may be held responsible for the costs incurred (and not you) in case Medicare does not cover the medical flight cost. You will never be asked to sign an ABN when there is an emergency.

If you refuse to sign an ABN, the medical flight service provider might still take you. Even in a circumstance like this, you may have to pay out of pocket if Medicare refuses to cover the medical flight cost.

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