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New York

Medical Flight Surprise Bill is Fair to Say the Least


Although the congressional bill that seeks to ban surprise billing is not limited to the medical flight industry, much has been made out about it. The bill will span the entire medical industry including doctors and medical service providers. Since the bill is Federal, it will apply to the medical flight industry too. However, this long-drawn bill was seen as a battleground with insurance providers on one side and the rest of the medical fraternity on the other. Who won the battle? This was the question that most people were asking at the end of it all.

It was a Balanced Bill with No Defeats

The main source of contention was the fixing of prices for various medical services. The insurance industry was bent on fixing it according to their prevailing rates, which, frankly, were outdated. On the other hand, the medical fraternity, including the air ambulance industry, wanted the government to consider its price list. However, it was widely believed that the list consisted of highly inflated prices. Realistically, it was never expected to be accepted even by those who were advocating it. The congressional bill has skilfully navigated between the industries to ensure that all involved parties get a fair deal.

Medical Flight Services Get the Option for Arbitration

The dispute about medical flight bills has always been between the insurance and the air ambulance industry. However, common citizens have borne the brunt of it. Now, however, the bill will introduce a mechanism for arbitration between the two parties so that they can sort it between themselves and leave the patients out of it. This will ensure that no patient gets a surprise medical flight bill even if the provider is out of network. The bill goes on to suggest protection for those without insurance too, in case of health emergencies. The way forward, it seems, is coming to a consensus for both industries.

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