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Guide for Medical Flight Paramedics to Prepare Individual First Aid Kits


When you’re a medical care provider, there’s no knowing when your help might suddenly be required even on your off day. And your intervention can make all the difference for someone who needs immediate medical care. That’s why medical flight paramedics, doctors, nurses, and EMS paramedics alike should take it upon themselves to carry individual first aid kits.

What Medical Flight Paramedics Need in a Personal First Aid Kit

Before you prepare your individual first aid kit, you need to be sure about what you should expect out of the kit. Of course you can’t carry around every type of medical equipment that you normally work on. But the kit should contain some basic items that can help you provide care in common emergency situations.

Your personal first aid kit should be easy to carry around inside your bag or pockets. You should be able to access it easily but make sure you keep it protected from the elements. Although there may be several pre-stocked personal first aid kits available at your local pharmacy, it doesn’t hurt to prepare one on your own.

Content Ideas for Personal First Aid Kits

When considering which items to include in the kit, think of what you would normally use to treat minor injuries or aches. Band aids, cotton balls, and over-the-counter pain meds are a few examples. In addition to this, medical flight paramedics can include items like bandages, antibiotic ointments, gauze pads, etc. in their personal first aid kits.

You can customize the contents as needed. Every once in a while, you might even want to revise what you include in the kit. If you hardly need a certain item, for instance, you could switch it out with something else that you normally need but hadn’t included yet.

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