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Demand for Air Ambulances Rises Again with Increasing COVID-19 Cases


The United States of America is among the countries which have the highest vaccination rates in the whole world. However, the vaccination rate is not uniform across the country. As a result, many parts of the country are now witnessing unprecedented Coronavirus positivity. Much of the surge is being attributed to the delta variant of the virus. Air ambulances are increasingly being sought to ferry patients across hospitals and cities in search of appropriate beds today. The healthcare systems are being overwhelmed by the number of people seeking hospitalizations in states like Kansas.

Air Ambulances Catering to Emergencies

There is no dearth of vaccinations in the United States, but many people have refused to get vaccinated or delayed vaccinations. Although vaccinations are not a guarantee against contracting the virus, they are known to mellow down the severity of the infection. However, it takes quite a few days for the effect of the vaccine to kick in. In the meantime, people are getting infected in huge numbers. Those who have not got even got a single dose of vaccine are now finding it hard to get ICU beds and air ambulances are taking such patients to appropriate facilities in far off places.

Air Ambulances Today are Better Equipped

The Coronavirus has dominated the world for quite some time now, and the safety and insulation protocols against the virus have evolved. However, it still necessitates wearing personal protective equipment, which can be quite limiting and physically exhausting. The personnel who take care of the COVID patients in the air ambulances must wear these too. Added to that is the heat that the ground crews of the air ambulances must bear. The hope is that people will be more open to vaccinations and the pandemic can be brought under control soon. Until such time, the crew members of air ambulances will continue to discharge their duties against all odds.

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