-0.8 C
New York


While adventure and cultural exploration are exciting, ensuring access to quality healthcare should be a priority and securing air ambulance coverage is a big part of it.
Being stranded in a country with poor medical infrastructure can be daunting, but taking the right steps can make a difference. We guide you through the various steps.


A medical caregiver with ALS (advanced life support) level training.


The rate and extent of disease.

Inter-facility transport

Medical care provided en-route between two medical facilities, usually between a local community hospital and a regional trauma center or other specialty center.

Helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS)

Helicopter air ambulance providing emergency medical services.

Emergency medical technician (EMT)

A medical caregiver with BLS level training.

EMS System

An arrangement of medical, public health, and public safety resources to prevent occurrences of emergency illness and injury and to mitigate the impact of such occurrences which can’t be prevented. May be local, regional, state, or national.

Critical care ground – (CCG)

A ground ambulance providing a level of medical care higher than ALS, staffed with specially trained nurses and paramedics.

Bbasic life support (BLS)

The most basic level of medical care provided in an ambulance, usually by First Responders and EMT’s.

Advanced life support (ALS)

A more advanced level of medical care provided in an ambulance, usually by paramedics.

Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)

"IFR" stands for "Instrument Flight Rules." It refers to a set of rules governing the conduct of flight under weather conditions where navigation by Visual Flight Rules (VFR) is no longer reliable.

Trauma Transport Protocols (TTP)

Trauma Transport Protocols (TTP) describe the procedures used by the emergency medical services prehospital provider for dispatch of vehicles, assessment of the extent and severity of injuries of trauma patients and determination of the destination (facility) to which trauma alert patients are transported. TTP's are a legal document that should outline, as accurately as possible, the actual procedures followed by the emergency medical service provider.

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