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New York

Air Ambulance Crew Health

Electric vertical take-off and landing could be the future of air ambulance transport but they are not without challenges. We take a comprehensive look.
It has been quite a while since the No Suprises Act was passed. Are air ambulance services now more affordable for the common man in the United States? We take a look.

Air Ambulance Industry and the Effect of COVID-19

There were several changes that the COVID-19 pandemic brought about in the air ambulance industry. We take a cursory look at the situation.

Medical Flight Professionals During COVID-19 Pandemic

Medical flight professionals play an important role in offering life-saving services that range from triaging to offering emergency medical care on the spot and...

Medical Flight Crews and Mental Health Amid COVID-19

Medical flight crews are at the frontline of the COVID-19 battle. While these brave men and women are tirelessly working for the good of...

Air Ambulance Disinfection Protocol

Disinfecting the air ambulance has become one of the topmost concerns for the industry today. The problems that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought forth...

COVID-19: Precautions for Air Ambulance Professionals

The job of the air ambulance professionals is tough no doubt but it has gotten tougher owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Today, the...

Mental Health of Air Ambulance Industry Workforce

Prince William has spoken out about the psychological toll that the air ambulance industry takes on individuals that power it. Having worked as an...

Depression and Air Ambulance

Working in the air ambulance industry can bring to fore those hidden emotions that people tend to burry up and no person is impervious...

Dealing with Stress as a Medical Air Transport Professional

Medical air transport professionals are usually the first to respond to emergency calls and trauma scenes are sometimes very stressful to handle with death...

How Medical Flight Service Providers can Tackle Sleep Deprivation Issues among Crew Members

You operate a company or a charity that provides critical medical flight service to residents in your region. While you do your best to...

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