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How Medical Flight Service Providers can Tackle Sleep Deprivation Issues among Crew Members


You operate a company or a charity that provides critical medical flight service to residents in your region. While you do your best to ensure that patients get the care they need, there’s a chance you’re neglecting the valued employees working for you. You should take care to pay attention to your flight crew to ensure that they’re not suffering from one of the most common issues among medical care personnel – sleep deprivation.

Detecting Sleep Deprivation Among Crew Members

It’s important to keep a close eye on your crew members to make sure they’re not suffering from excessive fatigue and/or sleep deprivation. This will help you take precautions on time and get them the rest they badly need so they can provide better quality of medical flight service. While it’s not easy to identify whether or not an individual is sleep deprived, try to watch out for these signs to help make the task easier:

  • Excessive yawning
  • Regular eye-rubbing
  • Frequent blinking
  • Trouble keeping their eyes open

Well-Rested Crew Members Provide Better Medical Flight Service

If you notice that a certain employee is displaying some of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s time you direct them to a room or area in which they can get their badly-needed rest. It’s crucial that you assign a dedicated room or area in which your staff members can get as much sleep as they need when they’re too burnt out.

Ideally, you should also prepare the room to remove any distractions such as light and sound. Try to install blackout shades and a white noise machine if possible. And make sure there’s a sign outside to show others that one of their friends is getting the rest they so badly need. Ensuring that your crew members get plenty of rest is a great way to maintain an energetic and alert team that’s mentally and physically equipped to provide quality medical care.

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