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Workers’ Compensation and Medical Flight Services


Over the past few years, the medical flight services have steadily risen in cost, so much so that the cost has gone up at a whopping 5% per annum since almost the past 7 years. There have been concerted efforts on the part of state governments and the federal government to bring the cost of medical flight services down, at least to a ‘reasonable’ level. However, the definition of what is reasonable has been rather loose. In the midst of all this, it is natural that people in general are concerned about workers’ compensation and how it deals with medical flight services.

Handling of Medical Flight Services by Workers’ Comp

The big concern of most people is naturally whether they have to pay out of pocket in the eventuality that medical flight services are utilized for a work-related injury. Many would simply ask whether there is a possibility of a balance payment being demanded.

Such worries, however, have no basis to them. The amount would be settled by the insurance carrier and if the amount being approved by the carrier is less than what the air ambulance company is claiming, the victim of the accident need not be concerned. It is up to the medical flight services company and the carrier to come to a settlement. In most cases, the air ambulance company gives the insurance carrier a discount.

The Clash of Two Laws and the Way Out

Most states have fee schedules that define the extent of medical flight services cost coverage. However, ADA or Airlines Deregulation Act of 1978 allows air ambulance service providers to charge what they feel is reasonable without any questions being raised. The two laws can be, sometimes, contradictory to each other. However, in spite of all this, it still boils down to the air ambulance company and the insurance provider coming to a common monitory agreement, in case there is a dispute.

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