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What You Need to Know about IS-BAO Accreditation for Air Ambulance Specialists


When it comes to accreditations for an air ambulance company, CAMTS certification is one of the most popularly known. Big names in the industry have started to pile on their accreditation records with the IS-BAO certification. While this certification was already introduced in 2003, only several air ambulance specialists have successfully been accredited. Let’s take a look at some important information about the IS-BAO certification.

More about IS-BAO Accreditation

IS-BAO stands for International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations. It was developed by the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) along with its member associations. As the name suggests, the certification proves that a certain service follows the recommended code of best practices for flight departments over the world. It was designed to ensure that these flight service companies maintain a high level of safety and professionalism.

The IS-BAO accreditation is recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the U.S. and the Canadian Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) as meeting the ICAO standard. Additionally, it is also recognized as an industry standard for business aircraft operations by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

In 2012, the IS-BAO was amended so that it will facilitate the implementation by helicopter operators. It was a result of a joint effort made by the IBAC with helicopter associations like HAI, EHA, and BHA.

Benefits for Air Ambulance Specialists

The IS-BAO program can be beneficial to air ambulance specialists and the aviation community itself in a number of ways. Here are a few of those benefits:

  • The implementation of predictive and proactive methods enhance operational safety
  • The implementation of safety practices across teams promotes and improves safety culture
  • An integrated Safety Management System (SMS) helps in improving efficiency and effectiveness
  • Increased appreciation of aircraft operations at the executive level

Enhanced ability to carry out safety performance measurement

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