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Understanding Air Ambulance Transport Bills


You are just recovering from a serious health issue that demanded immediate attention. The matter was so urgent that it warranted an air ambulance transport. Just when you think that the worst is over, you are hit with a huge air ambulance transport bill. You breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you are covered by your insurance. Then, another shocker: the insurance company refuses to foot the entire cost. You suddenly find yourself spending sleepless nights not knowing how to foot such a huge air ambulance transport bill. Don’t worry, there’s still hope for you.

The Air Ambulance Transport Bill could be a “Sticker Shock”

It’s not unheard of in the healthcare industry where the listing prices are kept very high and air ambulance transport industry is no different. The prices are significantly lowered later, depending on the negotiating capacity of the patient. It is not unusual for air ambulance providers to come down to half the listed price. Some even offer flexible payment options.

Insurance companies that have huge number of subscribers are most likely to get huge discounts from air ambulance transport companies. Another factor is payment in cash. If you have the resources, the discount could be great. Also, you stand to gain if the air ambulance transport company is in the network of your insurance provider.

Community-Based Air Ambulance Transport Programs

Is the air ambulance transport company that you chose a part of community-based air ambulance transport program? If it is, then you’re lucky. The price is going to be low and is very likely to be covered by your insurance program. However, some air ambulance transport companies remain out of such community-based programs. These companies usually charge a huge amount which is not always covered by insurance companies. The amount not covered is usually recovered through the patient. If you have been served by one such air ambulance company, you might want to negotiate hard with the air ambulance transport company.

The different states of the United States are also in the process of designing a priority list which will mandate that health care providers give preference to community-based air ambulance transport companies before calling a provider who is out of such network.

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