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The Different Ways to Control Air Ambulance Bills


The huge air ambulance bills are a matter of concern no doubt for citizens of the United States. We present a few options through which this burden can be contained.

Community Partnership with Air Ambulance Companies

It was recently seen that Gulf Shores residents now have access to free air ambulance services. Thanks to the partnership between the county and a large medical flight service provider, they will not have to pay any balance bills going forward. It is an idea that is worth emulation for the rest of the country.

Individual Memberships for Air Ambulance Services

Almost all big air ambulance companies offer membership plans that insulate their customers from balance bills. However, not many people avail this as it is an addition to their medical insurance cost. More importantly, there are not many medical flight provider groups that come together and offer comprehensive coverage.

What can Air Ambulance Companies Do?

There is a part that air ambulance companies too can play. For instance, REVA which is an international air ambulance company recently has increased its affiliations with private insurance companies. This will, in turn, rid the users of the worry of air ambulance costs. Even other providers now are veering this way, and as the web of coverage increases, the end users will benefit hugely.

Federal Intervention is an Option

The federal government has the authority to regulate the air ambulance industry. However, there is stiff opposition to any such move as it lays a huge financial pressure on the industry. It is the move that most state governments like Wyoming are pushing for, but so far, the move has borne no fruits. It is also unlikely that this route is going to be effective in the future.

Any move that brings insurance providers as well as air ambulance industry together is bound to be a success. Unfortunately, however, this is not happening at the present.

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