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Tag: Tips

Advances in air ambulance technology have been quite impressive in recent years. What is instore as we enter 2025? A Look.
Misleading medical documents to secure air ambulance transport can have far-reaching negative consequences. What are they? We take a look.

Tips to Overcome Sleep Problems for Medical Flight Crews

Whether you’re a pilot, a paramedic, a nurse, or a doctor; working in a medical flight crew means one thing – shift work. And...

Tips for Better Communication for Medical Flight Supervisors

You’re a supervisor for an air ambulance and you have to improve how you communicate to your employees. Maybe you’re making a small policy...

Medical Flight Tips for Patients with Kidney Disease

Travelling by air ambulance can be easy when you choose the right service, as you’ll have a flight coordinator to assist you with everything....

Containing Medical Air Transport Costs

When we discuss medical air transport, we resign to the fact that it is going to be an expensive affair. Well, if you are...

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