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Tag: Safety

Electric vertical take-off and landing could be the future of air ambulance transport but they are not without challenges. We take a comprehensive look.
It has been quite a while since the No Suprises Act was passed. Are air ambulance services now more affordable for the common man in the United States? We take a look.

Regulations and Medical Flight Safety – What’s the Relationship?

What is the relationship between medical flight safety and the regulations that govern the industry? We take a close look.

Medical Flight Safety and Lapses

Medical flight services today are considered one of the safest modes of patient transport today. However, it has been a journey. We take a peek.

Medical Flights – An Integral Part of F1 Racing

Sounds a little odd that medical flights are a part of F1 racing, right? Not when you look at it closely. The safety rules...

Wife of an Air Ambulance Pilot Appeals to Public

The life of an air ambulance pilot is risky with weather conditions that transform without warning and the ongoing COVID-19 situation. However, it is...

Medical Flight Professionals During COVID-19 Pandemic

Medical flight professionals play an important role in offering life-saving services that range from triaging to offering emergency medical care on the spot and...

Dedication of Air Ambulance Personnel – Scientific Proof

If you are a patient who is in a medical serious condition and fighting for life, would you be okay with an air ambulance...

Keeping Your Medical Flight Paramedics Safe

As an air ambulance provider, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your staff. This is particularly important for your medical flight...

Medical Flights and RVSM

RVSM is an abbreviation that stands for Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum. RVSM-approved medical flights must be fitted with certain gadgets such as autopilot and...

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