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Tag: insurance

Air Ambulance: Unexpected Bills Despite Having Insurance

The phenomenon, widely known as surprise billing, has troubled the United States for quite some time. It has been highlighted from time to time...

Air Ambulance Industry: Legislative Efforts at Ending Surprise Billing

Congress has been focussing heavily on eliminating surprise billing practices and involves not just the air ambulance industry but the healthcare landscape as a...

Medical Flight Billing Practices in Kansas Court

An insurer has gone to the Kansas Supreme Court dragging a medical flight company. The contention has been that the company has been charging...

Air Ambulance Coverage and Visitors to the US

Healthcare costs are not just about air ambulance costs. The United States of America has one of the highest healthcare costs in the entire...

Air Ambulance Industry Landscape and Attempts at Regulating It

The air ambulance industry has been in the headlines for quite some time now. Most recently, however, it was because the state of Wyoming...

Medical Flight Services and Insurance Companies seem to be Coming Around

A recent survey has shown that medical flight services are now more open to insurance network participation. In fact, the numbers have gone up...

New Air Ambulance Billing Draft taking a Neutral Path?

There has been much anticipation surrounding the new air ambulance bill that aims at curtailing surprise billing practices. However, experts opine that the draft...

The Concept of Medical Flight Shopping

Imagine a situation where a patient is in a life-threatening situation and a medical flight is an absolute necessity. The treating physician recommends an...

Surprise Billing – Can the Air Ambulance Industry Offer Solutions?

Surprise billing or balance billing is not just a problem specific to the air ambulance industry. The healthcare landscape itself is riddled with it....

Air Ambulance Coverage a Must before Going on a Cruise

Recently a woman aboard a cruise ship called Norwegian Escape fell seriously ill. It went on to the extent that an air ambulance had...

What’s Happening in the Air medical transport Industry Currently?

There’s a lot happening in the air medical transport industry currently. With the state lawmakers and the feds trying hard to end surprise air...

Not Just Medical Flight Services, Americans Increasingly Footing Medical Bills

Well this might not come to you as a surprise because you might have witnessed this yourself. According to one survey conducted by Kaiser...

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