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Tag: Innovation

While adventure and cultural exploration are exciting, ensuring access to quality healthcare should be a priority and securing air ambulance coverage is a big part of it.
Being stranded in a country with poor medical infrastructure can be daunting, but taking the right steps can make a difference. We guide you through the various steps.

Powering Enhanced Medical Flights

The cost of medical flights has been skyrocketing, and the new innovations are driving the prices further up. What can the industry do to contain it?

A Medical Flight that Runs on Hydrogen

A new medical flight that runs on hydrogen fuel can transform the air ambulance industry. It is cheaper and safer say the makers. We take a look.

Medical Flights and Jet Suits

Medical flights can fly above almost any terrain but landing can be a worry. Rappelling from choppers has its own risk, putting the lives...

Air Ambulances and Drones

Several countries around the world have progressed much further than the United States when it comes to drones. Take for instance, the East African...

Medical Flight Technology of the Future

Imagine this: the medical flight has emergency personnel seated in it and is en route to pick up a patient in a remote area...

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