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Surviving an Air Ambulance Crash in the Middle of Nowhere


Now, that’s a scary situation isn’t it? Imagine that you’re in an air ambulance and it crashes in the wilderness. What would be your first reaction if you know that you’re going to be stranded for at least a couple of days? Search for food, correct? In reality, that’s the worst mistake that you can make. A typical human being can survive up to 3 weeks with no food at all but can only last up to 3 days without any water. We bring you several survival tips in this guide.

Staying Close to the Crashed Air Ambulance Vehicle is Vital

Wandering off in the wilderness in search of help is not wise. The rescue personnel are, obviously, going to look for the crash site and not wandering survivors. If you’ve moved too far away from the crash site, you might not even be found. So, it’s wise to stay close to the air ambulance and wait for help.

Protect Yourself from Harsh Weather Conditions

If the air ambulance is still in a condition where it can provide you shelter, use it. If not, try to erect a simple tent with sticks that can protect you from the sunlight. It must be noted that aircrafts are not the ideal shelters in extreme weather conditions. Seeking other forms of shelter is advised. The survivor, in this case, needs to be innovative.

Lighting a Fire and Hunting for Water is Important for Survival

Fire not only keeps the survivor warm, but also acts as a signal for rescuers. Keep the fire lit at all times as much as possible; however, beware of the dangers that a fire poses. Don’t get it too big. Also, your air ambulance might still have some water reserves left; use it judiciously. If you find a water source nearby, use purifying tablets before consuming it. If you do not have these, simply boil it for about 5 minutes.

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