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Planning Pediatric Air Ambulance Transfer is a Complex Process


Transferring a pediatric patient by air ambulance necessitates careful planning and consideration. The transferring team’s specialist equipment will need to be adjusted based on the patient’s weight and age, as well as the flight medical crew’s skills. To ensure the patient’s safe and successful transfer to their receiving facility, a comprehensive approach is required.

Coordination Before the Air Ambulance Transfer Schedule

Prior to logging a flight schedule, the team makes several phone calls to the referring hospital to conduct a clinical assessment of the patient. A large body of research emphasizes the seriousness of pediatric fractures, blood loss, shock, and other traumatic situations. As a result, a detailed handover with current observations is required to ensure suitability for the air ambulance transfer.

This collaborative working style should be an important part of the transfer process with all air ambulance providers. Each medical specialty offers a unique perspective on the critical components of mission delivery. The pilot’s experience is also critical. They consider factors like the aircraft’s internal temperature, predicted turbulence, and the delivery of internal power for medical equipment.

Interaction with the Pediatric Patient

If possible, extra time should be allowed to develop this bond when repatriating a child, as the experience can quickly become frightening, and thus detrimental to the child’s physical and mental health.

Besides, a thorough evaluation is required prior to departure. Pain, pulse rate, color, sensation, movement, warmth, capillary refill time, swelling, and other factors must be evaluated by the medical team. The results of this investigation must be clearly documented in the medical notes for future evaluation. This analysis provides a baseline for healthcare professionals to compare if any changes occur during or after the flight.

Transferring children is a complex process that involves a plethora of factors that must be considered prior to arrival at the referring facility.

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