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Professional Life of an Air Medical Transport Paramedic

Air medical transport paramedics often encounter patients when they are in their worst possible physical condition. Many a times the victims are desperate out...

Working in the Air Ambulance Industry – Exploring New Age Opportunities

People with a flair for adventure and a want to do good for the society are the ones who usually choose a career in...

Medical Flight Technology of the Future

Imagine this: the medical flight has emergency personnel seated in it and is en route to pick up a patient in a remote area...

New Virginia Medical Air Transportation Bill Helps Patient with Informed Decisions

Perhaps the biggest problem that people who avail medical air transportation services face is unexpected costs that run into thousands of dollars, even when...

Traumatic Brain Injury and Airambulance Services

Traumatic brain injuries can be fatal and demand urgent medical attention that airambulance services can provide. According to a statistic by the Centers for...

Air Ambulance Transport – Think Before You Take a Private Insurance

According to a recent report by Government Accountability Office, 69 percent of air ambulance flights are not covered by private insurance providers. That is...

The Interiors of a Modern Medical Flight

Of course, it all begins with the aircraft model that a medical flight company purchases. Each aircraft is different in some way or the...

Lowering Medical Flight Standards – Really a Solution to Cut Costs?

The medical flight industry is highly competitive with hundreds of organizations offering this emergency service around the world. With insurance companies not always covering...

Air Ambulance Criteria – The Logic Behind Suggesting Hospitals

The common assumption, most often, is that a patient is always flow to the nearest treating facility when an air ambulance is employed. However,...

Why is it Widely Believed that State Control is Not the Best for Air Ambulance Customers?

It is a short question that demands an elaborate answer. As the rural hospitals close at a rapid rate, air ambulances are playing a...

Are Some Medical Flight Companies Acting Unfairly? How do You Find Out?

Let’s understand the scenario with a hypothetical situation – a patient has suffered a serious injury and is in Carthage, Missouri. It is felt...

Need for More Comprehensive Air Ambulance Coverage

Imagine this – you pay for a smartphone in full and then realize that you are only allowed to use certain features in it...