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Maintaining a Clean Uniform for Air Ambulance Transport Paramedics


When you’re working as a paramedic – whether it’s for an air ambulance transport or a ground ambulance – you’ll be given a set of uniforms to wear every day. This uniform commands some level of respect but at the same time, you need to maintain it properly and keep it clean so as to ensure that you continue to look professional.  But this can be tricky considering your demanding work environment and all the elements that could dirty up your uniform.

So if it’s challenging to prevent dust, dirt, and fluids from patients to mess up your uniform, the only thing you can do is to clean up efficiently. Some of the elements may be a bit more difficult to clean so in this post you’re going to learn how to effectively clean up different kinds of stains on your uniform.

Removing Common Stains from an Air Ambulance Transport Paramedic’s Uniform

If you’re an air ambulance transport paramedic, here are some of the most common types of stains you might have to get on your uniform and how to remove them:

  • Blood stains – Blood stains in uniforms are common especially since you’ll have to deal with plenty of patients who have undergone physical injuries after an accident. You need to start cleaning up the stain as soon as possible after you get off duty instead of letting it wait with your pile of dirty laundry. Try to blot the stain using a wet cloth or sponge before you wash the entire uniform. You can also soak the stained part in white vinegar for about 10 minutes before you wash it.
  • Vomit stains – Rinse the stain with cold water after you’ve removed as much vomit as possible. You can then soak the stain in a mixture of warm water and half a teaspoon of liquid detergent to which you add a tablespoon of ammonia.
  • Sweat stains – Sweat stains can ruin your uniform as they can turn yellow if left unwashed for too long. To clean it up, wash it with water and a cup of vinegar. After that, mix half a cup of baking soda, one tablespoon of salt, and one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to the water.

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