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Hypoxia – A Condition that Medical Air Transport Personnel Should be Aware of


Literally translated, hypoxia means diminished availability of oxygen to the body, something that is quite common in medical air transport scenarios. However, a pre-existing condition that already has made the patient struggle for oxygen can further exacerbate while on the flight. Here, we discuss the reasons and also the different types of hypoxia. The intent is to create a quick reference for medical air transport personnel.

Why Worry About Hypoxia Onboard a Medical Air Transport Vehicle

The biggest risk of hypoxia is when the medical air transport flies over 12,000 square feet above the sea level in an unpressurized air craft. It must be noted that medical flights are pressurized at high altitudes. However, if not, and if no supplemental oxygen is available immediately, it can lead to hypoxia. This kind of hypoxia usually affects the lungs as is caused by partial pressure reduction of O2.

Histotoxic Hypoxia Could be a Danger

Histotoxic hypoxia is diminished ability to filter oxygen owing to narcotic or any other toxic substance. The patient loses the ability to get adequate oxygen. In situations like these, the medical air transport crew must take special care to avoid exacerbating the situation. The combination of histotoxic hypoxia and lack of oxygen pressure due to altitude can prove to be a deadly situation.

Understanding Stagnant Hypoxia

This is another form of hypoxia and is caused by exertion of positive G force in the Z axis. Other causes are heart failures and shock. All these interfere with the blood circulation for the worse and deprive the human body of adequate oxygen. However, medical air transport services always carry oxygen onboard and these conditions are easily taken care of.

Hypemic Hypoxia is Another Cause

This type of hypoxia is caused by health conditions that affect the oxygen levels in the blood. Prime examples for this are anemia and carbon monoxide positioning, both of which affect blood oxygen levels.

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