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How Air Ambulance Service Providers can Deal with Disgruntled Employees


As an air ambulance service provider, you will have to manage several hardworking employees who have to fulfil a demanding job. So naturally, there might be times when they’re disappointed or angry about certain aspects of your organization or their work life. It’s at times like these that your true capability as a service provider is tested.

Listen Carefully to Your Air Ambulance Service Employees

The first thing you have to do when dealing with disgruntled employees is to listen to them. Hear them out instead of getting defensive immediately. Their problem may not even be with you but they do expect you to pay attention the difficulties they’re experiencing. Note down what they’re telling you so you can clearly understand the situation before you say anything.

If there are lots of air ambulance service employees complaining all at once, let them know that you’re there to listen but you can only do so if they go one at a time. Avoid questioning them, correcting them, or clarifying yourself. Dedicate your time to hearing them out first before you can even consider a solution.

Ideally, you should have two people handling the complaints – one to interact with the employees and another to note everything down. The person interacting with the disgruntled employees can also make a note of what everyone’s saying on a whiteboard to keep track of the discussion.

Come up with a Quick Solution

If you truly want to prevent the situation from escalating, try to come up with an effective solution quickly. Preferably, you should be able to provide them with a solution within 24 hours to show them that you care about their issues. Some issues may take more than 24 hours to solve. But even if this is the case, give them an estimated timeline so as to maintain transparency.

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