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Guide to Air Ambulance Cover during Extreme Sports Trips


If you are going on an extreme sports trip, the chances of needing medical care and air ambulance cover are naturally more. So, you need to question yourself, “Is mere travel insurance enough?” In fact, there are special travel insurance designed just for the purpose and you must look into them. However, before that, you must know certain facts.

Classifying Extreme Sports before Looking at Air Ambulance Cover

Going for a swim in calm waters or ruffling some waves by the beach does not count as extreme sports. Extreme sports are those where there is a high likelihood of mishaps, even after safety precautions, and can warrant emergency medical treatments including air ambulance evacuations. Some of these are:

  • Deep sea scuba diving
  • River rafting
  • Skiing
  • Paragliding
  • Snowboarding
  • Motocross
  • Rock climbing
  • High altitude mountaineering
  • Hand-gliding
  • Parachuting
  • Bungee jumping
  • High-speed or cross-country biking

Air Ambulance Cover and Insurance are no Substitute for Reasonable Precautions

Most extreme sporting companies will not even entertain your request unless you have adequate extreme sports insurance. They might also demand that you have enough extreme sporting experience and practice behind you. The reason is simple; the eventualities in such sports can even mean death or disability. Having adequate insurance and air ambulance cover increases your chances of survival drastically. You are assured of immediate medical care in any foreign countries. One must note in this context that most countries outside the US demand assurance of payments before the treatment is initiated.

Choosing the Air Ambulance Cover and Insurance

Here are a few points that you need to consider:

  • Your sports insurance might cover air ambulance evacuations. If that’s the case you don’t have to worry at all. However, it is vital to look whether there are limitations to this cover.
  • Compare the costs. Sometimes buying a separate air ambulance cover is more economically viable. So check whether the travel insurance company is charging you exorbitant rates.
  • Compare between various travel-insurance providers and compare the prices and the kind of facilities being provided. You would not only need air ambulance evacuation cover, but also coverage for medical consultation, hospitalization, and treatment.
  • If you are going as a couple or a group, look for discounts. Never hesitate speaking to the company’s representative.

You need to fill your forms for extreme sports travel insurance clearly and mention the kind of activities that you would be involved in to avoid confusion later.

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