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Credit Cards and Air Ambulance Transport


So your credit card says that it will get you medical help during times of emergency. But does that mean you can rest assured that you will reach your home in the United States? What you need to do is read the fine print. If a part of the terms and condition reads that you will be transported to the nearest appropriate medical facility, you might be in trouble. Yes, you might get help, but you might end up getting that help quite far from you home and sometimes not even in your home country. Now, if you are travelling overseas, this can pose serious concerns for you, and you might still end up paying tens of thousands of dollars for evacuation via air ambulance transport.

Ensuring Adequate Air Ambulance Transport

If you are going to rely on your credit card to cover the risk of using air ambulance transport, ensure that you get answers for the following questions:

What is the financial limit of the air ambulance transport?

Some credit cards might set a limit beyond which you might have to pay out of pocket. Knowing the limit will help you prepare financially.

Are there any terms and conditions?

If the credit card does not cover air ambulance transport for pre-existing illnesses, you might be in trouble when your existing illness like a heart condition flares up unexpectedly. Moreover, it is important that you cover this risk as you are more likely to need air ambulance transport for a pre-existing condition.

Do I have the privilege of choosing the hospital?

You do not want to end up in a hospital that is too far away from your home. Also, you might not feel confident getting yourself treated in a hospital that you do not know of.

Can my family travel with me?

You might want your family to accompany you during your air ambulance transport, just so that you feel reassured and comfortable, so check whether your agreement with the credit card allows you this privilege.

At the end of it, there are credit cards that allow you good coverage for a reasonable price. On your part, be wise and proactively check what you are getting into so that you remain safe.

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