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Choosing Your Health Insurance from Air Ambulance Perspective


Most of us have a fair idea of what to look for when going for a health insurance. What we don’t usually look at is the kind of air ambulance transport coverage provided. The medical world is increasingly making use of air ambulance services to get the patients appropriate treatment on time to better the chances of survival. You can never predict when you might need air ambulance services. Here, we discuss a few points that can go a long way in ensuring adequate air ambulance coverage.

Speak to Your Insurance Agent about Air Ambulance Coverage

This is one of the most basic steps in ensuring adequate air ambulance coverage. Plainly ask your insurance agent about it. He or she is bound to disclose this information. Also, you would be educated properly on the kind of extra coverage you stand to get, even if it means spending a little extra in the form of insurance premium.

Are You Satisfied with the Air Ambulance Coverage Offered to You?

Never compromise on the extent of air ambulance cover. If your insurance has limits on the extent of coverage and if you are not fully satisfied with it, explore other options. There are several private players in the health insurance sector. You are sure to find the right match when you look close enough. Some insurance companies have not kept with time and have not increased their coverage limits. It is best you stay away from such companies.

Check the Services of Various Air Ambulance Companies

Most air ambulance service providers help you with insurance cover. They hire specialists who will follow up with the insurance companies to get the reimbursements. Although the choice of actually insisting on a particular air ambulance service provider is slim, you never know, you might be able to opt for a particular one and being prepared never harms. Just pick up the phone and call some of the air ambulance companies and learn how they deal with insurance covers, especially when you have a private insurance.

Keep in mind that the letter of medical necessity issued by a doctor is essential but it does not guarantee air ambulance coverage. Ultimately, it is the medical director of the insurance company who decides whether you get air ambulance coverage or not.

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