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Air Ambulance Facts

Why is it Widely Believed that State Control is Not the Best for Air Ambulance Customers?

It is a short question that demands an elaborate answer. As the rural hospitals close at a rapid rate, air ambulances are playing a...

Air Ambulance Companies Caught in Health Insurance Spiral

Imagine heading a business where customers only pay you 30% of the time in full and the remaining 70% only pay you 50% of...

The Cost Factors Behind Medical Flight Services

When faced with an emergency situation concerning the life of a loved one, cost is the last thing that you want to worry about....

Airambulance Guide: Altitude Decompression Sickness

Altitude decompression sickness is not unique to airambulance flights or to patients alone. It is a condition that is generally associated with high altitudes....

What are the Limitations of a Medical Flight?

When time is of essence, no other transport is as effective as a medical flight. That said, there are limitations to this mode of...

Six Amazing Facts about Worldwide Air Ambulance Services

We look at worldwide air ambulance services to bring you some facts – some fun and some intriguing; nevertheless, they are all interesting. Fact 1:...

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