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Air Ambulance Services and Artificial Intelligence


Air ambulance services are dispatched only when the emergency is dire and time is of critical nature. Many a times, the only contact with a patient or a victim is over the phone. As a consequence response professionals in emergency call centers are forced to rely entirely on their experience to determine the condition of the patient. Most times, the patient himself is unaware what is wrong with him. For instance, a person having a cardiac attack might not even realize that he is having one. The response professionals are forced to rely on qualified guess work. All this can change with the introduction of artificial intelligence technology.

Offering Better Air Ambulance Services with Artificial Intelligence

Imagine a situation where analyzing patient condition is done by an algorithm that continuously learns by analyzing patterns in data. It eventually becomes capable enough of offering diagnostic suggestions based on the description of symptoms, speech pattern, breathing frequency, etc. It would go further prompting the response professional to ask the right kind of questions to aid in understanding what the patient is going through. Wouldn’t that be amazing? It is no longer a science fiction; this is now a possibility, thanks to artificial intelligence. If implemented, it can take air ambulance services to a whole new level.

How Does Artificial Intelligence Learn

As mentioned earlier, it is all about forming patters through a combination of cases. All that an artificial intelligence algorithm would need is call recordings made by patients to air ambulance services over a period of time. It would have been pre-programmed to find patterns of symptoms to come up with a diagnosis.

It is all about data and analyzing it. The added advantage is that this data becomes a ready base to study populations, injury patterns (especially in road accidents) so that safety measures can be bolstered to increase safety. The applications are several and are only limited by one’s imagination.

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