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Air Ambulance Industry in Focus as the Flu Season Arrives


We have, for long, maintained that the air ambulance industry is extremely vital for the rural communities spread across the length and breadth of the United States. Now, with the flu season right around the corner, the importance of medical flights is even more. Besides, it looks like the COVID-19 pandemic is making a comeback with an increasing number of cases being reported throughout the country. There is no doubt that the population in the rural communities of the country will need special care in the days to come and the air ambulance industry will be the focus.

Air Ambulance Industry is the Bridge Rural America Needs

The onset of flu season may result in a flood of patients surging towards rural hospitals. The problem, however, is that there are not many health care facilities in these areas. Also, the capacity of these facilities to handle the pandemic could be less adequate than what the situation demands. Just think of the demands that a situation like this can place on the already stretched medical staff and resources. The situation can quickly turn chaotic and ultimately, lead to unprecedented tragedies. The time is right to pave way for the air ambulance industry to remain on standby.

How Can the Industry Prepare?

There are two aspects to this question. The first is under the control of the air ambulance industry. This includes setting up isolation pods, keeping resources such as PPEs handy, training the medical staff, etc. In fact, much of the air ambulance industry is already prepared due to the previous surge in COVID-19 cases.

The second part, however, is completely out of the air ambulance industry’s control. It involves money. With the insurance companies continuing to deny coverage for much of what the air ambulance companies quote, the problem is sure to bite the raw wound again.

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