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Air Ambulance Industry and the COVID-19 Pandemic


In the past, the air ambulance industry has proved that it is an indispensable part of the health emergency services in the United States and beyond. The cost of availing the services has been a concern, but that apart, the utility of the air ambulance industry has never been questioned. Today, it plays an important role in repatriating COVID-19 patients from beyond the borders. It is also continuing to play a huge role in offering quality care to people in the rural parts of the United States. However, because of the COVID-19 situation, there needs to be a change in the way this industry functions.

Definition of Medical Necessity has Changed in the Air Ambulance Industry

Of course, we are not referring to medical necessity in the context of insurance coverage, approvals, etc. That remains the same. However, today, hospitals are encouraging people not to visit them unless it is important. The reason behind this is simple; people who already have a serious health condition must refrain from visiting spots that are hotbeds of COVID-19 infections, hospitals being one among these. The air ambulance industry is not completely prepared to handle this pandemic that is of epic proportions.

Recommending Air Ambulance Services Demands Careful Deliberation Today

Most of the helicopters in the air ambulance industry are not isolated enough to separate the patient from the rest of the crew. This poses a threat both to the healthcare workers and the patients. The problem of isolation does not exist in ground ambulances.

Besides, reaching the hospital early does not translate into immediate admissions today.  Depending on the symptoms of the patient, he or she might need to be tested and isolated before being treated. The treatment protocols are still evolving. In essence, the physicians recommending air ambulance services should do so only after careful deliberation.

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