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New York

Air Ambulance Criteria – The Logic Behind Suggesting Hospitals


The common assumption, most often, is that a patient is always flow to the nearest treating facility when an air ambulance is employed. However, this is not always true, although the nearest facility is taken into consideration owing to the cost as the nearest one would obviously cost the minimum. What people need to understand is that air ambulance is a live-saving service and not a cost-saving service. The primary criterion is therefore not just the nearest but also the most appropriate treating facility. For instance, a burn victim may be carried by the air ambulance to the nearest burn care center, although a highly specialized trauma care is just a few blocks away. Again, the primary intent here is to save lives.

Other Considerations taken Into Account by Air Ambulance

The paramedics have a huge say in deciding the treating facility. Of course, they cannot suggest any specific hospital as this would give a leeway for bias but they can specify the kind of facility that the patient should be flown to. Typically, the choice is between the following during medical emergencies:

  • Trauma Centers
  • Burn Centers
  • Cardiac Care Centers
  • Stroke Centers
  • Pediatric Hospitals

What Happens When a Patient is Involved in a Multi-Casualty Incident?

Natural disasters, for instance, can result in multiple people in need of urgent care. In cases like these, it is impossible for one hospital to take care of all the incoming casualties, no matter how close it is to the incident. An air ambulance in such a situation will look for appropriate facilities, regardless of the distance.

Does Patient Choice Come into Picture?

There might be instances where your health insurance covers you in one particular hospital but not the other; it is fair to request the air ambulance service provider in such instances to fly you to the one that will not affect your coverage. However, one has to mindful whether the cost of air ambulance service, in such cases, is covered or not. It is wise to consult your case worker in a situation like this.

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