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Air Ambulance Coverage a Must before Going on a Cruise


Recently a woman aboard a cruise ship called Norwegian Escape fell seriously ill. It went on to the extent that an air ambulance had to be called out. Lucky for her, the coast guard was reachable and quickly responded to the emergency by evacuating her. However, not all are as fortunate as this woman to find help when it is needed most while cruising through a fun vacation in high seas.

Often, while in international waters, with different national borders in place, the logistical problem can turn out to be a nightmare. The cost too can be quite high as evacuation is rather tough and involves huge distances. Insurance coverage is therefore of paramount importance.

Ask About Air Ambulance Coverage Beforehand

Not all travel insurance policies will cover air ambulance evacuation and you might have to shell out a huge amount for this purpose. There have been instances where people have even turned to crowd funding to pay air ambulance bills. The wisest thing, therefore, is to opt for a travel insurance that has comprehensive medical flight evacuation coverage. Moreover, you would not want to be treated in a foreign country if the treatment duration is long. Getting back to your home country among your loved ones would be among your top priorities.

Your Options without an Air Ambulance Coverage

If you have deep pockets, of course, there is absolutely nothing to worry but if you do not, it can be a problem. Minor ailments like broken bones, fever, and food poisoning is cared for onboard the cruise as each one hosts medical professionals. However, if the health condition is severe, the ship simply has to wait for the nearest port and admit you there. It would then leave with the remaining passengers once you are assured appropriate medical care. Sounds a little scary? That’s precisely the reason you need comprehensive air ambulance coverage.

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