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A Tampa Air Ambulance Company with a Difference


Here is some food for thought – ever wondered how many missions are spread around the world? According to a 2017 statistic, the number stands at 430 thousand. Close to 50 thousand of them around from the United States. These people do good work around the world helping people with education to healthcare. What happens when these missionaries get sick or are gravely injured? You guessed it right. Air ambulance services come to their rescue and fly them back to their home in the United States. Most of these missionaries work in the remotest parts of the African continent where healthcare can be less than adequate.

The Cost of International Air Ambulance Services Can Be Steep

The air ambulance cost can go up to 100 thousand dollars. Missionaries, of course, are compelled to rely on fund-raising efforts in order to be able to afford these air ambulance services. A Tampa-based company has changed this scenario to a very large extent. The air ambulance company specializes in offering international evacuation services specifically for missionaries. Not just that, the company has gone a step ahead and created customized insurances for evacuating missionaries from all over the world.

The Name of the Air Ambulance Company is Jet ICU

Almost all missions that are conducted by this air ambulance company involve missionaries across the world. There is no corner of the world that it hesitates to travel. Of course, it has also conducted evacuations of people who are not missionaries. The company owns a fleet of six fixed-wing aircraft and an employee pool of around 75. The customized insurance that the company has tried up with is called Missionary Travel Association, through the help of Lloyd’s of London. Most of the churches today across the United States rely on it today.

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