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Tips for Medical Flight Paramedics on Improving Patient Care Reporting

When you’re beginning a career as a medical flight paramedic, one of your biggest responsibilities would be writing patient care reports. And your ability...

Caring for Frostbite Patients: Tips for Air Ambulance Transport Paramedics

Frostbite isn’t common and you may never encounter patients suffering from the condition. But preparation is key and it’s crucial that you equip yourself...

The Biggest Challenges in Training to Become a Medical Flight Paramedic

After much consideration, you’ve decided to undergo education and training in order to become a medical flight paramedic. And you’d also know by now...

Tips for Medical Flight Providers to Buy the Right EMS Software

If you’re running an air ambulance operation, there are several technologies and devices to promote efficiency in your operations and deliver a more seamless...

What You Need to Know about Incident Management Systems and Medical Flight Operations

Your company is planning to switch to incident management systems so that you can carry out your medical flight operations more efficiently. This is...

What you Need to Know about ePCR Systems for Air Ambulances

Everything is going digital. It’s easier and more efficient to maintain your patient records digitally than have to drag around hard copies of documentation...

Caring for Your Medical Flight Crew

You may be surprised to read the headline. Aren’t medical flight crews supposed to provide care and not the other way round? If you’re...

Why Higher Education could Make You a Better Air Ambulance Service Paramedic

An associate degree or a certificate with the relevant certification and training is usually enough for a person to qualify as an air ambulance...

Uses of Pre-Hospital Ultrasound for Medical Flight Paramedics

As a medical flight paramedic, you would understand that many patients could have been saved if only you had the right equipment. Many air...

What Medical Flight Paramedics should Know about Seizures and Respiratory Issues

As a medical flight paramedic, you will come across different situations and patients with various conditions. You might even come across patients undergoing a...

Medical Air Transport and Pediatric Treatment Errors: What You Need to Know

When you’re working in medical air transport, you would encounter all kinds of patients. There will be times you have to care for and...

Tips for Medical Air Transport Crews to Assess Pediatric Trauma Patients

When you’re working as an air ambulance paramedic or doctor, many of the cases you’ll be responding to will include trauma. In assessing trauma...