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New York

Renewing EMT Certification for Medical Flight Paramedics


If you’re working as a medical flight paramedic, it’s obvious that you would’ve received EMT training and certification. But it’s not enough to simply get certified one time and then completely forget about ever having to take another exam. You’ll have to renew your license every couple of years and for that, you’ll need to pass a recertification exam.

What’s Needed to Renew Your License?

Your original EMT certification expires two years after original date of issue. After this, you will need to undergo a recertification exam for an updated license. But in order to renew your EMT license, you will need to:

  • Be affiliated with a certified agency
  • Have completed some patient care hours

If you’re currently working for a medical flight company, then you should have no trouble getting recertified.

Exam or Continuing Education to Renew Medical Flight Paramedic License

You have two options to renew your EMT license so you can keep working as an air ambulance paramedic:

  • Exam – For this, you just need to apply for a “recertification by exam” in your NREMT account and then schedule your exam as instructed in your Authorization to Test letter. This may seem simple but the problem with this option is that you only have one attempt to take this test and some states may not allow a retest.
  • Continuing education – The other option is by continuing education in emergency medicine or a related field. For this, you’ll need to record 72 hours of education units. The best part about this option is that you can improve your skills and knowledge in different types of emergency situations.

These are the two main options for renewing your EMT license. For air ambulance paramedics, you might have a few other certificates that require renewal.

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