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Medical Flights and Connected Technology


Wireless technology has grown rapidly in recent years and medical flights can benefit immensely from this development. The connectedness has meant that weather conditions can be gauged and predicted in real-time so that the crew of medical flights can remain safe at all times. Tracking of medical flights is another sphere that has been mastered by most air ambulance service providers across the globe. However, when it comes to patient health monitoring, much of the efforts are undertaken in silos and the communication primarily occurs through legacy technologies of oral communication. While there is no denying that oral communication is vital, one needs to go a step ahead to leverage technological advances.

Medical Flights and Connected Patient Monitoring Systems

Cloud computing and the ability to transmit huge amounts of data wirelessly can prove highly effective for medical flights in providing adequate care for the patients on board. Just think of a scenario where patient status can be instantly transmitted to the receiving hospital through connected technology. It would allow the hospitals to be much better prepared to receive the patient and make necessary arrangements beforehand. The approach can save precious few minutes, which can result in better treatment outcomes and survival rates.

How Does Connected Technology Work?

Let’s try and understand how connected technology works through a very relatable example. Take for instance that the patient has suffered a cardiac emergency and is connected to a heart monitoring system onboard the medical flight. The equipment would be continuously monitoring the patient. This health data can be connected to a cloud-based server which can then seamlessly communicate with the hospital system. The medical professionals on the ground can use this data to understand the exact health condition of the patient and make all vital arrangements much before the patient enters the hospital.

There are several ways in which connected technologies can enhance the services provided by medical flights. What one needs is an innovative perspective for implementation.

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