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Family Thanks Air Ambulance Service for Saving their Child


It was a normal family outing for 11-year-old Emilia, fondly referred to as Millie by her family. Never had they dreamt that soon they would be in need of an air ambulance service. The family was out on a horse riding activity when all of a sudden Emilia fell off her pony. That was not all, further aggravating the situation was the fact that the pony’s hoof landed on her jaw. The little girl’s jaw was shattered, and she was in immense pain as the family watched helplessly. That is when the air ambulance service arrived, right in time to offer much-needed help.

The Air Ambulance Service was Crucial

North West Air Ambulance Service was quick to reach the spot and immediately administered morphine to relieve the pain. Once that was accomplished the girl was evacuated to a medical facility where she received jaw correction treatment. The evacuation was done through a land ambulance, but the initial treatment offered by the air ambulance service was crucial. She also got replacement teeth as a few had been lost due to the accident.

The Parents Express their Gratitude

The mother of the child was a first-hand witness to the accident, and she described the incident as horrifying. She was thankful for the air ambulance service that arrived in time for support and treatment. The family, as a mark of gratitude, arranged a charitable event to raise funds for the air ambulance. It was an equestrian event and they managed to raise about 600 British pounds. The family also said that they would do everything in their means to contribute to the medical flight organization. It must be noted in this context that in the United Kingdom, air ambulances depend on charitable contributions by the community to stay afloat. The accident occurred in July, and the girl has now recovered and is healthy.

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