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Connected Vehicles and Medical Flight Response


Connected vehicles are making big waves these days, especially cars. Medical flight services can be enhanced by leveraging this technology. Wondering how? Read on. Connected vehicles are based on the fact that data can be transmitted from one vehicle to a dashboard where the relayed electrical impulses can be translated into a language that is intelligible to human beings. The purpose is to take appropriate action based on the insights received. This communication is enabled through a combination of satellite connectivity, mobile phone towers, SIM cards, and sensors. Let’s take a look at the ecosystem of these tiny devices before we get into how they facilitate quick medical flight response.

Understanding Connected Devices

The sensor fitted in the vehicle, for instance a car, takes into account factors such as the geographic location of the vehicle, the speed, the extent of impact (in case of accidents), occupant health such as vital signs (through connected wearable devices),as well as the vibration, temperature, and sound of the vehicle. It constantly monitors and analyses these parameters. If one of them is off beyond a certain limit that is considered unsafe, it sets off an alert by leveraging mobile connectivity and satellites to a predefined location – for instance the nearest emergency response team.

How Connected Vehicles Help Better Medical Flight Response

For one, the call for help is immediate. Second, the call for help is accompanied by a wealth of data pertaining to the distance and exact location of the accident along with the occupants’ health-related data. This can be of immense help to the medical flight that is responding to the emergency. It can get onboard appropriate healthcare equipment as well as experts. Since the location is precise, reaching it becomes that much easier. It also helps them prepare the receiving facility well in advance. The result is invariably a better chance of survival.

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