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Air Ambulance Technology

Air Ambulance Industry – Going Green

How can the air ambulance industry bring down its carbon footprint? One way to achieve this is by adopting greener fuels. We take a look.

Powering Enhanced Medical Flights

The cost of medical flights has been skyrocketing, and the new innovations are driving the prices further up. What can the industry do to contain it?

Air Ambulance Industry and Drones

Will the air ambulance industry ever be able to leverage drones meaningfully? We look at the question from various perspectives.

Air Ambulance Technology – Electronic Information

The air ambulance industry needs a one-stop dashboard so that the crews can get all the relevant information through a single source. We take a look.

A Medical Flight that Runs on Hydrogen

A new medical flight that runs on hydrogen fuel can transform the air ambulance industry. It is cheaper and safer say the makers. We take a look.

Air Ambulance Services – Leveraging Technology to Speed Up Services

Air ambulance services are as good as the speed with which they respond to emergencies. Many times the long paper trail – considered essential...

Medical Flights and Jet Suits

Medical flights can fly above almost any terrain but landing can be a worry. Rappelling from choppers has its own risk, putting the lives...

Role of Drones in the Air Ambulance Industry

Air ambulance industry and drones – the partnership sounds like a perfect plot for another part of the ‘Back to the Future’ series, doesn’t...

The Perfect Air Ambulance for Urban Needs

Vertical takeoff and landing is perhaps the most important feature for any air ambulance that operates in urban areas. The reason for this are...

Autonomous Air Ambulance Technology

Imagine taking off in an air ambulance but without a pilot! Seems like a scene from a science fiction movie, right? Well, not anymore....

Air Ambulance with ECMO Machine Rescues Critical COVID-19 Patient

ECMO or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine is a device that takes over some of the functions of the heart and lungs, thus providing the...

Equipment Aboard Air Ambulance Services – The Changing Landscape

The air ambulance industry has evolved at a rapid pace in recent times. However, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it might seem that...

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