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New York

Air Ambulance Guide

Uses of Pre-Hospital Ultrasound for Medical Flight Paramedics

As a medical flight paramedic, you would understand that many patients could have been saved if only you had the right equipment. Many air...

What Medical Flight Paramedics should Know about Seizures and Respiratory Issues

As a medical flight paramedic, you will come across different situations and patients with various conditions. You might even come across patients undergoing a...

Medical Air Transport and Pediatric Treatment Errors: What You Need to Know

When you’re working in medical air transport, you would encounter all kinds of patients. There will be times you have to care for and...

Tips for Medical Air Transport Crews to Assess Pediatric Trauma Patients

When you’re working as an air ambulance paramedic or doctor, many of the cases you’ll be responding to will include trauma. In assessing trauma...

More on Stroke Care for Medical Flight Crews

As an air ambulance paramedic, your job is to improve the outcome for different medical conditions and injuries. So when it comes to stroke...

Tips for Medical Flight Crews to Successfully Carry Out Patient Hand-Offs

You transport a patient to a hospital but after you leave, the hospital staff is left with vague information about the patient’s medical history...

How to Be Prepared for Violent Patients: Tips for Medical Flight Crews

When you’re in the healthcare industry, you’re going to come across hundreds of different cases in your lifetime. This is especially true for medical...

How to Reduce the Impact of Fatigue for Medical Air Transport Paramedics

You’ve just pulled a long shift and now have to respond to another call. The life of a medical air transport paramedic can be...

The Impact of Obesity on Medical Air Transport Crews

In an era where people are trying to promote self-love, you may notice a lot of people talking about how it’s unnecessary to lose...

Tips for US Air Ambulance Paramedics to Prevent Infectious Disease Transmission

As a US air ambulance paramedic, it’s your duty to prevent the spread of infectious disease to others. You’re dealing with different kinds of...

Tips for Medical Flight Paramedics to Pack a Wound with Extensive Bleeding

When you are in the air ambulance industry, it is natural that you come across different cases and incidents on a daily basis. You...

Important Facts about Impaired Consciousness for US Air Ambulance Crews

If you are part of an air ambulance crew, it’s likely that you get through some days working overtime and having to respond to...

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