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New York

Air Ambulance Transport Industry – Is ADA of 1978 Serving Its Purpose?


The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 has found mention far too many times recently. Every attempt by insurance commissioners and insurance industry has been successfully countered by the air ambulance transport industry, thanks to this act. At the outset, the act itself seems arbitrary considering it takes away the power to control prices by the democratically elected state governments. Then why was this bill introduced in the first place? This is the question that comes to mind often. It was originally passed so that competition can be encouraged. However, it is questionable whether this intent is still being served in the current industry context as prices are simply shooting up. In an ideal competitive world, the prices must be well controlled.

FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018

It must be noted that only the Federal Government can make changes to the existing ADA of 1978. Considering the growing voices against the act, the government enacted FAA Reauthorization 2018. While some were hopeful that it will make drastic changes to the exiting act, it was not to be. The new act limited itself to making provisions to appoint an advisory committee to take a closer look at the air ambulance transport industry and the financial burden on the patients. It has no powers to implement any changes and is limited to offering advice only.

Balance Billing and Air Ambulance Transport Industry

Balance billing continues to be a problem. The healthcare insurance industry, it looks like, refuses to change its reimbursement model for the air ambulance transport industry. It has remained unchanged for over two decades now. On the other hand, medical flight companies are refusing to conform to the prevailing reimbursement rates and adamant against going under insurance networks. The result: balance bills that are not covered by insurance are being thrust upon the patients and they are being compelled to foot bills that amount to thousands of dollars. A solution does not seem at sight, at least at this juncture.

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