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A Typical Day in the Life of Medical Flight Professionals


The life of medical flight professionals can be quite adrenaline pumped most of the time but that does not preclude them from the responsibilities that come with being a part of the air ambulance industry. The training, the safety measures and the need to be on the call all the time are just some of the tasks that they are expected to undertake. Of course, the gratitude that they receive for saving lives is an additional bonus that perhaps every medical flight professional enjoys. Most people who become a part of the air ambulance industry very well know that they are stepping into a high stress job.

The Routine Tasks of Medical Flight Professionals

While the pilot is expected to run routine checks to keep the chopper health up, the medical flight crew members are required to ensure that all inventory and medical equipment are in place, the batteries are all charged up and basically ensure that all equipments are working fine so that they can effectively respond to emergencies. The station duties can range from keeping a tab on the blood fridge and logging fridge values to cleaning and taking out the trash. Each member assumes a responsibility when they are docked in the hangar.

Responding to Emergencies

While the medical flight professionals usually conduct several station duties, they subconsciously are always anticipating an emergency call. The moment it comes in, they are expected to leave everything and take up the duties that enable them to face the emergency effectively. They immediately do all that is needed to know about the patient health condition and equip the medical flight with all the necessities. The medical staff are alerted in the nearest appropriate hospital and logistics are quickly and efficiently taken care of. It should be noted that, in view of the fact that the entire routine is quite stressful, the crew is always allowed enough rest hours every day and are encouraged to get enough relaxation between shifts.

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