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What if Medicare Doesn’t Cover Your Air Ambulance Cost

If you felt the medical situation warranted the air ambulance trip, yet Medicare refused to cover the charges, you don’t necessarily have to be...

Is Air Ambulance Transport the Right Option? Answering these Questions Can Help

Deciding whether a patient needs air ambulance transport can be a tough decision, even for a doctor sometimes. In this realm, asking certain questions...

Guide to Medical Flight Cost Containment

Speak of a medical flight and the fist thing that occupies your mind is the cost involved. With the absence of adequate insurance coverage,...

Understanding Why Air Ambulance Services are Expensive

We have heard many a stories where families have been drained of their finances owing to the cost of air ambulance services that go...

Learn About Trauma Hawk Medical Flight Services

The services of Trauma Hawk Aero-medical Program is dedicated to providing emergency medical flight services to the residents of Palm Beach County, California. The...

Is Affordable Air Ambulance Service on its Way?

For long, Americans have been worried about the costs of opting for an air ambulance service. We have heard horrid tales of people stuck...

Choosing Your Health Insurance from Air Ambulance Perspective

Most of us have a fair idea of what to look for when going for a health insurance. What we don’t usually look at...

Medicare’s Special Coverage Rule for Air Ambulance Services

We’ve already discussed several criteria which need to be satisfied for air ambulance services to be covered by Medicare. We also know that an...

Does Your Travel Insurance Cover International Air Ambulance Evacuation?

The holiday season is here! This is the time of the year when most people head to exotic locations all over the world. Travel...

NAIC Issues an Air Ambulance Consumer Alert

National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has recently issued an alert with regards to air ambulance insurance coverage. The alert goes on to point...

Is Your US Air Ambulance in Accordance to Medicare Norms?

Understanding what constitutes an air ambulance according to Medicare is necessary. The fact ensures that you get into an aircraft that is equipped enough...

Medicare Medical Flight Coverage and Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage

We’ve already discussed situations where Medicare covers medical flight costs. It must be noted in this regard that the coverage is almost always given...